An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) provides home owners, tenants and buyers with information on the energy efficiency of their property. It gives the building a standard energy and carbon emission efficiency grade from 'A' to 'G' with A being the most efficient and G the least.
All homes are measured using the same assumptions and calculations, so that a tenant or purchaser can easily compare one home with another.
A Recommendations Report, which accompanies the EPC will list the potential rating the building could achieve should these recommendations be carried out. It is not mandatory for the recommendations to be acted upon, however doing so would cut energy bills and reduce carbon emissions.
When a new home is completed or when a property is placed on the open market, either for sale or rent, it is a legal requirement for the owner or landlord to provide an Energy Performance Certificate.
Landlords and owners are only required to produce an EPC for a property that is self-contained, and the certificate is then valid for 10 years.
An EPC is not required if a tenant rents a room with shared facilities.
If a group of people rent a property and there is a single contract between the landlord and the group, then an EPC is required for the entire building.
Only Government approved and accredited Energy Assessors can produce Energy Performance Certificates. All NI Energy Service's assessors are accredited with Elmhurst Energy Systems Ltd.
Based centrally in Cookstown, Mid Ulster;
NI Energy Services is in the ideal location to provide EPCs throughout Northern Ireland.
Email: [email protected]Phone: 07799344025
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